KFAN Broadcasting Live from Minnesota Pheasant Summit

Saturday morning FAN Outdoors will be LIVE from Marshall, Minnesota from 6AM to 8AM

By Bob St.Pierre

December 12, 2014 at 12:16PM
(The Minnesota Star Tribune)

"The Captain" Billy Hildebrand and I are taking Saturday morning FAN Outdoors radio show on the road. We'll be in Marshall, Minnesota at 6AM this Saturday to broadcast live from the Minnesota Pheasant Summit.

Created by Governor Mark Dayton, the summit will include hunters, farmers, policymakers, conservationists, and key members of the Governor's Cabinet. The focus will be on strategies to increase the state's pheasant population, improve pheasant habitat, and ensure future generations of Minnesota hunters have the opportunity to enjoy one of the state's most popular and iconic game birds.

Our broadcast will be live from 6AM to 8AM on 100.3FM in the Twin Cities and on www.KFAN.com worldwide. Tune in to hear a preview of the day's discussion, along with some late season pheasant hunting tips and a little ice fishing conversation brought to you by our friends at Clam Outdoors.

Minnesota Pheasant Summit Agenda

(on the campus of Southwest Minnesota State University)

8:00 Registration in Lobby

9:30 Welcome – Ron Schara, Emcee

9:40 Welcome to the SMSU campus – Connie Gores, SMSU President

9:45 Comments by Leadership

9:55 Pheasants in MN – Nicole Davros, DNR and Matt Holland, Pheasants Forever

10:25 Questions & Answers – Pheasant Biology, Habitat or Programs

10:40 Address by Governor Dayton – Building a Strong Conservation Future

10:50 Pre-Summit Survey Results – Tom Landwehr, DNR Commissioner

11:15 Break-Out Session – Part I (Public Habitat, Private Habitat, Hunting)

12:30 Lunch

1:15 Break-Out Session – Part II (Public Habitat, Private Habitat, Hunting)

2:30 Pheasants and Farming – Dave Fredrickson, Dept. of Ag

2:45 Post-Breakout: Establish Top Action Items

4:00 Closing Remarks by Tom Landwehr, DNR Commissioner & Ron Schara

Follow on Twitter at #PheasantSummitMN

The Pointer is written by Bob St.Pierre, Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever's Vice President of Marketing. Follow Bob on Twitter @BobStPierre and listen to Bob and Billy Hildebrand every Saturday morning on FAN Outdoors radio on KFAN FM100.3.

about the writer

about the writer

Bob St.Pierre