(The Minnesota Star Tribune)
First to come out for the agreement
Minnesota Democrat Amy Klobuchar is a yes vote today when the U.S. Senate votes on the debt deal worked out between the White House and congressional leaders. "We've been waiting for this for months," she said in an interview Monday morning. Democrat colleague Al Franken is still reviewing the deal this morning, according to a press aide. Over on the House side, members of the Minnesota delegation still appear to be holding their cards close to their vests. Only Tea Partier Michele Bachmann has announced unequivocally how she's voting. That would be a no vote. Minnesota Republican Chip Cravaack, who voted against his party leaders against last week's debt deal (along with Bachmann and 20 other Republicans), has not shown his cards yet this morning. Some leaders of the Progressive Caucus have said they'll vote no, but we haven't heard yet from co-chairman Keith Ellison. The trillions in cuts will be hard to swallow for the Minneapolis congressman.