Storms are forming left and right across the Atlantic Basin, but none threatenthe United States at this time. Notice I used the words "at this time."Thursday, I began more convinced that there is trouble lurking not far down theroad. It won't come from Danielle, but Earl might be a can of worms.In any case, Hurricane Danielle will take a swipe at Bermuda Saturday night andSunday, but the worst part of the storm will pass east of the island nation.
Kocet`s Corner
Next comes Earl which is probably going to track farther west than Danielle. Somuch in fact that the storm may pose a genuine threat to the East Coast of theUnited States later next week There's also a new kid on the block. Current satellite pictures reveal ayet-to-be-named cloud mass just west of Africa. That disturbance has a goodchance of becoming the next tropical depression and tropical storm within thenext 72 hours. Where this system might go cannot be determined at thistime.
Close to home, there is a broad area of unsettled weather from the Gulf ofMexico to east of Florida, but there is no sign of any organized circulation atthis time. We'll wait and see what happens to this zone of low pressure, butright now tropical showers are the only thing going.
Is all this sudden activity in the tropics unusual? Not really. After all, thisis the heart of hurricane season and things should be happening. It would befar more unusual if the tropics were silent at this time.
Story by Senior Meteorologist John Kocet.