Late-week slush and ice herald a wetter pattern

By Paul Douglas

The Minnesota Star Tribune
March 17, 2024 at 9:46PM

Man plans, and God laughs — my favorite nugget of Yiddish wisdom. We have the illusion of control (I can pick out my tie), but life is random and unpredictable, for all of us.

March is the atmospheric definition of unpredictable. Weather whiplash is the norm. And huge north-south temperature contrasts can spin up major full-latitude storms capable of pulling abundant moisture from the Gulf of Mexico into Minnesota.

We’ve been hoping for a wetter pattern, and it may be around the corner. But the rain-snow line will be hovering nearby, so expect a smorgasbord of snow, ice and rain. An appetizer of slush arrives Thursday, but the main event comes Saturday into Monday. Snow on Saturday switches to ice (freezing rain) Sunday, then over to plain old rain by Monday. Something for the entire family.

Enjoy bright sunshine and upper 30s today (no howling winds) and upper 40s will feel good Tuesday. Things get interesting in three to five days. I want to apologize. I pulled out my driveway stakes. This is all my fault.

about the writer

about the writer

Paul Douglas