Latest on U.S. Open Surfing Weather

By AccuWeather

July 23, 2009 at 8:25PM

The weather in Southern California simply doesn't change very much this timeof year. Along the coast, each day typically starts with low clouds and fogthen the sun breaks through. The marine air typically wins out and temperaturesnormally peak in the 70s.Yesterday, I mentioned the giant squid that have been invading the coast ofSouthern California with rare instances of divers and swimmers being attackedby the creatures.

Today, we will discuss my surfing expertise which is about zero. My onlyattempt at surfing occurred about 35 years ago along the New Jersey coast.

Waves about 2 feet high were lapping across the shallows, and if you caught onejust right, you could ride the wave for 15 or 20 feet. That was fun, but therewere a few times I didn't catch the wave at its crest and soon found myselfface down in the sand... Not good! Story by Expert Senior Meteorologist John Kocet.

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