Lawsuit alleges state violated Minnesota sex offender's privacy

Moose Lake detainee is alleging that his private medical records were wrongfully released to another detainee.

April 13, 2017 at 3:40AM
At the MSOP in Moose Lake, Michael Meyer has been fighting for his release. Sex offenders in the MSOP have been described as the "worst of the worst'' - violent predators too dangerous for public release. But records show that some have never even been convicted of a sex crime, some committed their last offenses as juveniles: many have records that are milder than convicted rapists who have been released from state prisons .]richard tsong-taatarii/
A detainee in the Minnesota sex offender program at Moose Lake, Minn. is suing the state, alleging that his private medical records were wrongfully released to another detainee. (The Minnesota Star Tribune)

A detainee in the Minnesota sex offender program at Moose Lake, Minn. is suing the state, alleging that his private medical records were wrongfully released to another detainee.

Shawn M. Jamison filed his suit Wednesday in Ramsey County District Court against Emily Piper, commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS).

Jamison alleged that on March 11, 2017, a detainee in a different housing unit at the facility informed him that he had received Jamison's "Individual Program Plan" in his mailbox. The data are part of Jamison's treatment information at the facility.

The other detainee turned Jamison's mail over to a staffer.

But, the suit alleges, the other detainee "did in fact open and read the contents which contained the Treatment information that listed both plaintiffs [sic] name and medical records number and further had plaintiffs [sic] private treatment information."

Jamison "has no information" as to how the alleged mix-up occurred. DHS did not have a response to the allegations.

"We cannot comment because we have not been served with the lawsuit," DHS said in a written statement.

Jamison alleged that DHS violated the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, and is seeking a bench trial on the matter, compensatory damages in excess of $50,000 or "such a sum as a jury deems appropriate" and punitive damages of up to $25,000.

about the writer

about the writer

Chao Xiong


Chao Xiong was the Hennepin County Courts reporter for the Star Tribune. He previously covered Ramsey County courts, St. Paul police, the state of Minnesota and the city of Minneapolis.

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