With members of his family in the front row of a crowded St. Paul courtroom, an unshaven Tom Petters listened Tuesday as federal prosecutors labeled him an arrogant con man and his 24-year-old daughter Jennifer portrayed him as a loving but troubled father to her and two little children from another relationship.
Petters, who entered the courtroom in handcuffs before the family arrived, mouthed the words "I love you" to Jennifer as he was taken back into custody following a three-hour hearing to determine whether he should be freed pending trial.
Petters, the reputed ringleader of an alleged $3 billion investment scam, should learn this morning whether he can return to his Wayzata home or if he'll remain in federal custody in the Sherburne County jail.
He resigned on Sept. 29 as chairman and chief executive of Petters Group Worldwide after the allegations of massive investor fraud surfaced.
After listening to evidence Tuesday in Petter's detention hearing, which included a surreptitiously taped phone conversation between Petters and one of his associates, U.S. Magistrate Judge Jeffrey Keyes said he will announce his decision at 10 a.m. today.
Federal prosecutors want Petters to remain in jail pending trial, while his attorney asked for the equivalent of home detention and a drug and alcohol evaluation.
Assistant U.S. Attorney John Marti argued that Petters might flee the country if released, based on the taped conversation. In it, Petters urges his associate to go somewhere where there is no extradition.
"That's obstruction of justice," Marti told the court. "Mr. Petters faces life in prison. That creates a huge motive to flee."