Let's go London

Preparing for a semester abroad

August 12, 2010 at 11:25AM

Posted by Katie Hite

Hi there, I will be studying abroad in London from September to December. I will provide travel tips as well as highlight the culture of London and other European countries I will be visiting.

Readers, if you have any recommended attractions or restaurants that I should visit or local favorites that I should check out, I would love to hear about them!

To begin, my emotions are mixed. I am filled with excitement and anticipation as wells as a bit of nervousness. I started applying for the London program last November and though I leave in a couple weeks, living in another country for 3 months is only starting to kick in. I bet it will really kick in when I start hearing from friends who leave before me. My close friend Elizabeth leaves tomorrow for Santiago, Chile. Though England and Chile are on completely different continents, her travel tips, program adventures and stories will be a definite benefit before I head off to London.

As my London departure date draws near, I am working diligently to complete my to-do list. I recently bought a very large suitcase and carry-on, but as the girl that I am, I wonder how I am going to get all my belongings for three months to fit in the suitcase and carry-on! I can only stuff so much in my shoes (a tip I read in a magazine)! However, I shouldn't be complaining, my good friend Megan is only allowed one fifty pound suitcase for her Greco-Roman study abroad program. She will begin her study abroad adventure in Athens, Greece and then half-way through the semester the program will switch to Rome, Italy.

The College of St. Benedict and the University of St. John's (CSB/SJU) London program partners with the Foundation for International Education (FIE). Classes are led by faculty from London college and universities.

There is no doubt that I have an incredible journey ahead of me. The program in London is a perfect opportunity to stretch myself and step outside of my comfort zone. I look forward to studying in a city that has both great historical significance and is highly influential in contemporary culture, business and education. I am also excited to get to know other CSB/SJU students that I haven't met in past classes and activities. Also, I can't wait to explore London, the UK, and other European countries, whether I am traveling with friends or on a faculty-led excursion. Oh and I can't forget to mention the concert tickets I have already bought!

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