Imagine our surprise when busloads of Haitians rolled into New Orleans after Katrina to help in the rescue effort. They came from all over the southeastern United States, where they'd settled after other homeland tragedies. The irony wasn't lost on any of us. Repaying their kindness is the least we can do. MARCIA FLUER, GOLDEN VALLEY
Letter of the Day: Earthquake in Haiti, Hurricane Katrina: Don't abandon victims
Many were appalled at how long it took for relief to be reach the people in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. And this was in a city that had an infrastructure, a working government, roads and an airport.Most residents of Haiti did not have access to electricity, running water, sewers, roads and police prior to the earthquake. The media remark that they see no police and firefighters there -- how many of the few who were around before the quake have survived? How many are trying to rescue family members?Bringing immediate relief is needed, but so is staying with the people to build an infrastructure that includes a means of employment, education and health care. Let us not abandon the Haitians as we have the poor of New Orleans. MARIAH SNYDER, LAUDERDALE
Wall Street executives, show us you're human. Donate your bonuses to Haiti relief now. MIKE BURKE, MINNEAPOLIS