Letter of the day (July 30): Linda Berglin

July 30, 2011 at 3:51AM
Sen. Linda Berglin
Sen. Linda Berglin (Jm - Star Tribune/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

State Sen. Linda Berglin, DFL-Minneapolis, has been a tenacious champion for those who don't have a voice in state policy, especially those without access to health care ("Berglin to leave Minnesota Senate," July 26).

She's been a guardian angel for people with mental illness who, due to the stigma, often fall through the safety nets designed for people with other disabilities. Berglin has worked hard to remove the stigma from mental illness by finding funding alternatives, such as General Assistance Medical Care, that enabled many people to move out of institutions and live independently in the community.

She was instrumental in helping to secure funding for our program Safe Haven Services, which helps people who are homeless and suffering from mental illness to get off the streets, obtain health care and move into stable housing.

Because more than half of people who live unsheltered have a mental illness, this has helped to reduce the incidence of homelessness in the metro area. It's also minimized the financial impact on our hospitals, jails and emergency services.

Minnesota could do with much more of the creative thinking and determination that Berglin has demonstrated in her decades of work in the Legislature.

Thank you, Senator, for your incredible service to the state and for making sure that the collective quality of life we enjoy in Minnesota includes helping those who are the least fortunate among us live with dignity and hope.


The writer is CEO of People Incorporated.

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