While in college so many years ago, occasionally sitting in a pew at a Sunday worship service at the Westminster Presbyterian Church at the edge of downtown Minneapolis, I came to note that the Dayton family was part of the congregation.
Letter of the day: The 'soil of civility'
While in college so many years ago, occasionally sitting in a pew at a Sunday worship service at the Westminster Presbyterian Church at the edge of downtown Minneapolis, I came to note that the Dayton family was part of the congregation.
Our new governor-elect, Mark Dayton, having, shall we say, "survived" some years of struggle, strain, and criticism, revealed a core persistence and compassion that now places him in the position to lead. Some of us are very grateful and identify with Dayton, a life-long learner.
Months ago, a small group gathered around tables in the Coffee House on Main in Austin to talk with Dayton about the political climate, the positives and opportunities that are offered citizens of the state. We listened approvingly. Dayton's election sends a wholesome, gigantic message that against odds, down is not out!
There are gifts that are now offered to, we pray, cooperating persons, be they Democrat, Republican, or independent, to anchor our state in the soil of civility, give and take, and compromises that will continue to say "Minnesota shine on!"