Not-so-typical typical day Normally I'm spending 30 minutes to an hour doing cardio. I like to do machines as in elliptical, stair stepper or even the treadmill because they're easier on your body. Some days I do agilities for 20 to 30 minutes. I'll lift about three times a week, and when I'm in season, I lift about two times a week -- that probably takes 20 to 30 minutes. We have two- to three-hour practices daily in season, sometimes two a day during training camp.
Recovering from a recent stress fracture I'm waiting and saying, 'OK, it makes you stronger in a different way.' I think it's strengthening me mentally, which definitely will help out on the court.
Healthy habits Nutrition is really important. I'm not on a diet -- I don't do things like that, but I probably eat a little more carbs because we have to use them. I pay attention to trying to get my vegetables. I make sure I get up in the morning and eat breakfast, and I stay away from fried foods, though it's OK once in a while. Because of how hard we bang and run, when I don't eat well I can feel it. I recommend everyone try to eat three meals a day, especially breakfast.
Tuning into your body I did a little yoga in the off-season on my own, and if I'm at home watching TV, I'll sit down and just stretch because it helps prevent injuries. If I'm tired I'm just like, 'I'll take a nap,' and I try to get eight hours of sleep.
Built-in workouts I feel lucky I'm playing basketball because it's going to help with my future [health]. I don't even have to think about it, where some people have to plan their day like, 'I'll go to work and then maybe I'll work out here or there and try to fit it in,' but it's my job to take care of my body.
Early inspiration I didn't start playing basketball until eighth grade. I grew up in Houston and the Houston Comets are another WNBA team that had won four championships in a row in the first four years of the WNBA. I was like, 'I want to be like that, I want to be a pioneer, be independent and play something I love and that's a team sport.' SARAH MORAN