Four in 10 Minnesotans who contracted COVID-19 reported in a new state survey that they struggled with lingering health problems like fatigue and brain fog for months after their illnesses. For some, the symptoms never went away.
Everyday tasks such as getting dressed, going to work or simply concentrating were more difficult for this population, according to survey results released Friday by the Minnesota Department of Health. The survey shows the enduring toll of COVID, almost five years after it first emerged in Minnesota.
“The reality is, COVID is still with us,” said Kate Murray, supervisor of the state’s long COVID response program. “I’ve got several friends who have it right now. And for people with long COVID, they don’t get to just walk away from it and close their ears. It’s still impacting their lives.”
Long COVID is federally defined as symptoms lasting three or more months beyond initial COVID illnesses. Some patients with long COVID get better on their own, or with medical treatments and lifestyle changes, but others appear stuck with chronic disorders. It remains unclear why this happens, but researchers suspect that the COVID virus reprograms the immune system to mistakenly attack the body.
Hannah Franklin stopped working last October after four COVID illnesses, the second of which sparked long-term symptoms, including forgetfulness and waves of exhaustion. She said she tries to cram in chores, activities and exercise in days when she has energy, but sometimes all that does is accelerate the next bout of exhaustion.
“I’m actually going through a crash right now,” the 38-year-old St. Paul woman said in an interview Tuesday. “I just got out of bed to make myself something to eat, and it’s 2 o’clock. Those are kind of how my days go. I just try to do as much as possible when I feel better.”
The state survey isn’t a reliable indicator of how many people have had long COVID in Minnesota. Surveyors called 20,000 Minnesotans in 2023 who had confirmed cases of COVID in 2021 or 2022, but only 1,270 answered questions.
Some people just don’t pick up phones anymore, Murray said. Others didn’t want to reflect back on COVID and one of the most turbulent eras in state history. Those that volunteered, on the other hand, included people with long COVID who felt marginalized and ignored.