The duck flock was tight on the water about a quarter-mile away. We were standing on a cliff overlooking Lake Superior along Hwy. 61, a half-dozen miles down the lake from Grand Marais, Minn.
You could identify the birds with binoculars. Or, you simply could listen to them muttering among themselves, the faint sounds of duck conversation floating across the water.
These were long-tailed ducks. I heard them muttering. Roger Tory Peterson, in the fourth edition of his field guide, describes the ducks as talkative and musical. The National Geographic’s “Complete Birds of North America,” second edition, says female long-tails are “highly vocal.”
David Sibley in his identification guide describes the voices as soft grunting or quacking, like “url url” or “kak kak kak.” He hears the same male voice as reported in National Geo, “a loud yodel.”
We were not treated to anything like yodels, just faint conversation far out there on the water.
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology says the birds are ducks of cold northern waters, “often the most abundant bird in the high Arctic, wintering on the Bering Sea and Hudson’s Bay.”
They also move south in the winter to both of our coasts, appearing on the Great Lakes during migration. Our sighting must have been in late winter, on the trip north. They make annual appearances on Lake Superior.
Long-tails feed on mollusks and crustaceans, known to dive more than 200 feet in search of food. The flock we saw disappeared into Superior for what seemed like minutes. Just when we began to wonder where they went they would pop to the surface.