For many, committing to organizing can come in waves. Perhaps it is a task taken on seasonally or sporadically relating to a particular occasion.

Regardless of when you choose to begin organizing, there are some general design rules that can help to lead to a successful outcome.

Top tips

Purge/remove all unwanted or unnecessary items.

Take a quick inventory of what you wish to keep.

Have a design/organization plan.

Purchase organization bins.

Color code and/or label items in groupings.

Hire a professional organizer if needed.

Reorganize your space to provide for individual storage or compartments.

Separate items by usage or season.

Utilize clear storage containers for easy viewing.

Store away items that are used occasionally.

Cathy Hobbs, based in New York City, is an Emmy Award-winning television host and a nationally known interior design home staging expert and short-term rental/vacation home designer with offices in New York City and the Hudson Valley.