As bitter cold descended on the city late Friday afternoon, Brianna Rice stood in a spot that made her day just a degree worse: at the impound lot. In line.
The snow emergency declared Wednesday night claimed her Mazda 3 sedan when she left it on a snow emergency route and it was towed.
It was one of at least 1,224 vehicles taken to the city's impound lot just west of downtown during the course of the emergency, which requires parked vehicles to be off streets that require plowing.
The tow tally was about average in Minneapolis despite an increasingly aggressive city communications campaign that includes texts, a telephone hot line, overhead street signage, Facebook posts and even rhyming tweets from Mayor R.T. Rybak to warn vehicle owners.
Rybak even tweeted a series of rap messages. Here's one:
"Here in Fun City
"Rock out, wine and dine.
"But from snow emergency routes