A development is generating a buzz, not only for its primo views overlooking the Walker Art Center and Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, Basilica of St. Mary and downtown skyline, but its next iteration as four luxe condo units.
The close-to-the-finish-line development started five years ago when owners Mohsen and Julie Sadeghi and their family started to discuss what to do with the Lowry Hill home they had lived in for more than four decades. With their children grown and now empty nesters, it was time for the next stage in their lives.
While they loved the location and wanted to stay, the house didn't lend itself to their changing needs. "We both realized it was just too big for us," Julie said of the two-story Italian Renaissance-style home.
As they weighed their options, the house's size and clunky configuration as well as the lot's topography posed challenges, making a renovation or reutilization of the existing structure unfeasible.
"It was a 10,000-square-foot space which was built in 1909," Mohsen said. "It had been a rooming house at one point."
In addition, a 33-foot slope from the sidewalk to the backyard as well as a detached garage with a 15-degree slope created dangerous situations, especially in the winter.
In the end, the answer was clear: Tear down the past-its-prime residence, update the landscaping and allow others to enjoy the location via a small-scale boutique condo building in which Mohsen and Julie would occupy one of the units.
The couple's son, Ryan Sadeghi, account director at Shea architecture and design firm, would serve as project manager.