Lyle Lovett listens with fond curiosity to his 5-year-old twins, but they don't pay attention to his music.
Ella and Will joined the Texas singer-songwriter on tour this summer for the first time, showing up for late-afternoon soundchecks but never staying up for the actual concerts.
"It was no big deal to them, which was perfect," Lovett said last week.
Between songs at rehearsal, the twins did what kids do — wave and holler. They came onstage and strummed Dad's guitar in its stand — like it was a harp.
"They were more interested in coming back on the bus and playing with their Legos than the music, which suited me just fine," said Lovett, who, sans twins, returns Saturday to the State Theatre.
Actually, Ella and Will have been kind of listening to some of Dad's newer songs for their entire lives because, well, they inspired several tunes.
The title track of Lovett's first album in 10 years, "12th of June," commemorates the day the kids were born, and he pledges his everlasting love for them and their mother, April Kimble.
"Pants Is Overrated," a slice of classic Lovett dry-as-West-Texas humor, was sparked by the twins' toddler ways.