Gregory Ulrich told the Allina Clinic doctor in Buffalo, Minn., he intended to kill people. One victim wouldn't be enough. He wanted to commit the kind of mass violence that would command the public's attention and warrant at least 30 years in prison or maybe a straitjacket.
Ulrich knew he'd only have seconds once he got through the clinic's security. So he was practicing.
This threat, recalled by Dr. Andrew Burgdorf in his application for a restraining order in 2018, is one of dozens of documented interactions with local law enforcement in police and court records involving Ulrich in recent years. The paper trail portrays the 67-year-old Buffalo man as a scofflaw with mental health and substance abuse issues who frequently called police to report unfounded thefts or minor quarrels with his neighbors, medical aides, tenants — anyone who entered his world — and who made no attempt to hide his violent ideations toward medical practitioners he believed wronged him.
All of these red flags were not enough to prevent the shooting at the clinic on Tuesday that left one dead and four others injured — an event of mass violence much like the one Ulrich had threatened in 2018. Ulrich has been arrested in connection with the shooting, and charges are expected to be announced Thursday.
Burgdorf, who declined to comment for this story, first called police to report Ulrich's threats on Oct. 13, 2018, reports show. The doctor told the officers that Ulrich had been harassing him with repeated phone calls vowing to shoot or plant explosives in the hospital as revenge for a back surgery. "I believe Ulrich is a high threat to society and himself," Burgdorf told police.
Ulrich was transported to an emergency room in nearby Monticello. Ulrich claimed he was only telling the doctor about his dreams and that he would not really commit the attack, according to the report.
Burgdorf filed for a restraining order, which a judge granted.
But Ulrich returned to the Allina medical campus just two weeks later. He asked a nurse for his medical records, then began complaining about his treatment in a previous visit. When the nurse said she didn't know anything about his past case, Ulrich "became upset, his behavior escalated and he began yelling," including challenging the staff's intelligence, according to a sworn affidavit from the nurse. Another staff member triggered the panic alarm and Ulrich fled when he saw security.