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Martha Buns

Buns worked as a reporter and editor for publications in Iowa and Minnesota before joining the Minnesota Star Tribune in 1998.

Latest from Martha Buns

Migration Catchall

Identify that mystery plant

Knowing what's growing may be just an app away. Then again, maybe not.
July 21, 2015
An undated handout photo of a lamp made out of an old Nintendo console and controllers by Woody6Switch Geekery.
Home and Garden

Test-driving a flower ID app

New plant ID app is a work in progress, but a fun toy in the meantime.
July 15, 2015

Five ways you've already saved money in your Minnesota garden

The best things in life aren't always free, but the garden generally gives you a lot of free or nearly free return for your investment.
June 3, 2015
Mustard greens freely self-sow, giving you a bonus crop in following years.
Home and Garden

Utility decorating

Seeking decorating solutions to storage problems
October 26, 2011
Migration Catchall

Identify that mystery plant

Knowing what's growing may be just an app away. Then again, maybe not.
July 21, 2015
An undated handout photo of a lamp made out of an old Nintendo console and controllers by Woody6Switch Geekery.
Home and Garden

Test-driving a flower ID app

New plant ID app is a work in progress, but a fun toy in the meantime.
July 15, 2015

Five ways you've already saved money in your Minnesota garden

The best things in life aren't always free, but the garden generally gives you a lot of free or nearly free return for your investment.
June 3, 2015
Mustard greens freely self-sow, giving you a bonus crop in following years.
Home and Garden

Utility decorating

Seeking decorating solutions to storage problems
October 26, 2011
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