Opinion editor’s note: Strib Voices publishes a mix of guest commentaries online and in print each day. To contribute, click here.
Maria lives in Minneapolis with her two kids.
She works long hours, at two jobs, to provide for her family. The money she earns pays the wages of other workers in her neighborhood when she shops at their stores. She’s law-abiding. She pays taxes. She’s a resident of our community and could be any of our neighbors.
But because she’s undocumented, we’re being told she’s a threat to our safety. We’re being asked to believe that a mother who works hard, provides for her children and contributes to her community is a danger to our national security.
Maria left the father of her children because of his history of abusive behavior. He stops by to give her money and to see the children, so she doesn’t want to ban him from her home. But when he’s been drinking, he can become violent toward her, and she has called the police to have him removed from her home.
But now, Maria is afraid to call the police. If she is detained and deported, her American citizen children will be left here without their mother and will likely end up in foster care.
And even if police are able to build a case against her former partner, the job of prosecutors to earn her cooperation and secure witnesses for trial will be far more difficult than it used to be. Her former partner may threaten to call ICE if she cooperates with the prosecution, or she and other potential witnesses may be afraid to come to court due to fear that ICE is lurking outside.