An Eden Prairie massage therapist sexually assaulted three clients within a few days this past spring, and he is the second staff member at the same spa to be accused of a sex crime, according to felony charges.
Rape charge added to 2 other sex assault allegations against masseur at Twin Cities spa
He is the second staff member at the same spa to be accused of a sex crime this year, according to felony charges.
John Vue, 27 of Minneapolis, was charged Monday for a third time since June in Hennepin County District Court with criminal sexual conduct in connection with the most serious of allegations against him while he worked at Tigercave Massage and Foot Spa on Middleset Road in the heart of the city’s sprawling retail district.
Vue’s latest charge, third-degree criminal sexual conduct, was filed by summons. A message was left with his attorney seeking a response to the charges in all three cases. Vue is due back in court Thursday. The other two cases carry charges of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct.
The other defendant, Dru Alexander Barrow, 27 of Minnetonka, was charged in April with fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct. Barrow’s next court appearance is Sept. 30.
Barrow’s attorney, Max Shek, told the Star Tribune that his client “is caught in the middle of a scorched-earth investigation by the Eden Prairie Police Department. I do not represent Mr. Vue or Tigercave and cannot comment on the validity of the other claims.”
Shek said that the “alleged contact [by Barrow], if it even occurred, appears incidental at best. My client maintains his innocence and has demanded a speedy trial.”
A manager at Tigercave said Monday that the spa remains open.
According to the latest charges against Vue:
A woman contacted police on June 26 after a friend told her about the earlier allegations against Vue.
The woman said she arrived about 6 p.m. May 16 for what was to be her sixth massage with Vue. Vue pulled the sheet from her buttocks and digitally penetrated her multiple times. He then groped her exposed breasts and forced her to have intercourse.
A few hours earlier, when a husband and wife came in for a couple’s appointment, Vue massaged the woman’s breasts without permission for five to seven minutes.
On May 14, Vue sexually touched a female client’s breasts and between her legs.
The charge against Barrow said that on March 7 he put a towel over a woman’s eyes, removed a sheet covering her bare body and groped her breasts.
The woman said she called the spa two days later to report what happened, but “the staff and owner were dismissive,” the criminal complaint read. She said the owner offered her a refund and a free massage and explained that Barrow was new and being careless.
Vue was a licensed massage therapist at the time of the alleged assaults. Barrow was not licensed to practice massage therapy.
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