A group of 30 people who were making films, TV shows and video games now gather in a London studio to explain complex medical procedures through digital productions.
They work for Medtronic, creating content for the company's Touch Surgery app. The app provides digital visualizations of procedures for doctors and other medical professionals to prepare and practice for surgery.
"We use a lot of the technology that comes out of visual effects. What we're trying to do is improve training and education," said Daniel Smollan, head of the studio for digital technologies, which is within Medtronic's surgical business.
Smollan was a podiatrist, then switched careers to become a computer animator. He has worked on blockbusters including "Total Recall," "The Bourne Legacy" and "Skyfall."
His two job paths turned out to be perfect preparation for a field now known as medical visualization.

The London team works in an office structured like a visual effects animation studio, Smollan said. The team uses some of the same software used for filmmaking.
"We have experts who are focused on making skin look like skin," he said, "and experts who have gained the knowledge of how to make a liver look like a liver and behave like a liver for surgical training and education."
It's important that the visualizations look real, not computer-generated.