Meet Senate candidates in District 46

In Tuesday's special election, three candidates will vie for the seat long held by Sen. Linda Scheid, who died last summer.


October 16, 2011 at 3:05AM
Cory Jensen
Cory Jensen (Star Tribune/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

Voters in Senate District 46 will choose a successor Tuesday for state Sen. Linda Scheid, who died of cancer in June.

The district, covering Brooklyn Park and Brooklyn Center, has long been viewed as a Democratic stronghold. Scheid, a DFLer, held the seat since 1996, averaging 60 percent of the vote in her five Senate victories, winning with 62 percent last year against Republican challenger Ryan Sibinski. The district's two state House representatives also are DFLers.

The area has been hit hard by the home foreclosure crisis in the past few years. Both cities have unemployment rates that are higher than the metro area as a whole.

Three candidates will vie in a special election to finish out Scheid's term, which lasts until the end of 2012. All three say if they are successful they will run for re-election a year from now.

The candidates, representing the DFL, Republican and Independence parties, emerged from a September primary: Chris Eaton, Cory Jensen and Tom Reynolds, respectively. All three recently shared their backgrounds and views with the Star Tribune.

Chris Eaton, 57, Brooklyn Center

Registered nurse, married to Brooklyn Center Mayor Tim Willson. One grown son. Has lived in the district 21 years.

How should we solve the state's budget problems?

"We need to start with a fair and balanced budget. The rich need to pay their share. They've had tax cuts for quite a few years now, and if that was what it took to create full jobs, we should be at full employment now. They've created a commission in the 2011 Legislature that is charged with going through the whole budget with a fine-toothed comb. I would love to be a part of that."

Which other issues are important to you?

"Our K-12 education is really at a crossroads. ... I thought we were headed in the right direction with Gov. [Jesse] Ventura, when he took on more of the expenditures at the state level, but then it's been cut at random ever since, so I would want something that was a little more fixed and with inflation built right into it, so we don't have to be fighting over whether we're going to educate our children every year."

Where do you stand on the proposed Marriage Amendment?

"I don't support putting discrimination into the Constitution. I plan to vote against it."

Website: http://www.eaton4

Cory Jensen, 48, Brooklyn Park

As owner of TNC Service, he is a computer consultant to small- and medium-sized businesses. Wife Therese, two grown children. Has lived in the district almost 40 years.

Why are you running?

Jensen cited community experience, mainly through his church, Living Word Christian Center. "We didn't have anybody [in the race] with the background and experience and ability to win and bring an element of common sense to St. Paul. ... This is an entirely different community than it was a generation ago. A lot of the changes are not changes for the better."

How should we solve the state's budget problems?

"We're at a point in time when the role and scope of government has crept well beyond the traditional constitutional boundaries. We need to get back to look at where those boundaries are. When we understand what the real priorities are, we can rank those in order of importance, and then we can do a better job of funding those things that are priorities and reducing or eliminating those things that are not priorities."

Where do you stand on the Marriage Amendment?

"I'm in favor of allowing the citizens to vote and make the decision for themselves."

Website: www.jensen4

Tom Reynolds, 65, Brooklyn Park

Former community development specialist, now a real estate broker. Wife Kristine, two adult children. Has lived in the district 13 years.

Why are you running?

"Our state is in such a mess. I've worked on all these programs and had an opportunity to really understand what can make a difference."

What is your political philosophy?

"I will not caucus with either party. I will be an independent voice, and I will work with both parties to get the best possible legislation passed. ... I don't go into something like this and sit idly by and vote for whatever is popular at the time."

How should we solve the state's budget problems?

Reynolds said he would combine a review of current spending, targeted tax hikes and economic development. "All three have to take place. You have to have a balanced approach: reform, cuts, tax increases. And you need specifically to get people back to work so they have the taxable income to provide the services you need to run the state."

Where do you stand on the Marriage Amendment?

"Any time you're going to discriminate against any population or any member of society ... I think it's wrong."

Website: www. reynolds4

Maria Elena Baca • 612-673-4409

Tom Reynolds
Tom Reynolds (Star Tribune/The Minnesota Star Tribune)
Christine Eaton
Christine Eaton (Star Tribune/The Minnesota Star Tribune)
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