Bootstrap, learn-on-the-job stories like Ron Anderson's used to be more common.
Approached by friends about his interest in engineering, then-18-year-old Anderson joined a fledgling St. Paul company that wanted to connect downtown to a new, shared network of heating and cooling.
Over the decades, the Patrick Henry High School graduate rose from general helper to Plant Manager for District Energy St. Paul. Eye On St. Paul recently met with Anderson at District Energy near the Science Museum of Minnesota to learn more about his work helping downtown warm up and keep cool.
This interview was edited for length.
Q: How long have you been with District Energy?
A: 40 years, this July.
Q: How did you get started?
A: Well, in north Minneapolis, where I grew up, a friend who I went to high school with, Dave Berger — and his father, Bill Berger — ran courses for operating and stationary engineering. He wondered if I'd be interested in getting a job in the boiler industry. Bill was showing me some areas where power plants are. And he said, "There's going to be an opening here," at what was called District Heating Development Company. I was able to interview. They were looking for people to start up the plant.