Imagine an enormous funnel into which all our social ills are poured. That funnel empties directly onto the heads of teachers. We expect them to deal with the unruly children of overworked, under involved parents, to be nurses, therapists and life coaches. We expect them to break up fights, dip into their savings to buy school supplies, endure insults and be the target of political attacks, all while being underpaid, maintaining their composure and keeping their tempers in check. Oh, yeah, and we also expect them to teach.
Mike Thompson: What's up with Minnesota's teacher shortage?
Minnesota has a teacher shortage, but don't blame teachers.
August 22, 2023 at 10:30PM
I couldn't do the job. I haven't the patience.
So is it any surprise that Minnesota, like many states, is struggling to fill open teaching positions as the start of a new school year approaches? Earlier this week, the Star Tribune reported that of the 349 teacher vacancies in the state, 217 attracted zero applicants.
At the very least, we parents could show teachers the respect and appreciation they deserve.
A word of thanks
Respectfully dedicated to all those who are about to go once more unto the breach: