Jessica Nordell earned degrees in physics and poetry and has worked as a journalist for more than 15 years. But in her soul, Nordell is an archaeologist, digging deep into the human psyche on a quest to understand why we move through the world with realities "tinted and tinged and tweaked by a panoply of assumptions" about one another.
Nordell grew up in Green Bay and moved to Minneapolis after college, where she worked as a freelance writer and radio producer. After moves east and west, she returned to the Twin Cities in 2013 and began her transformative work around discrimination. Her new book, "The End of Bias: A Beginning," came out in September.
Q: Your book could not be more timely, yet you began researching it far before last summer's racial justice reckoning. What motivated you originally?
A: I was in many ways protected from understanding bias growing up in the 1980s and '90s; I never had to seriously contend with racism and I was also protected somewhat from gender bias by the structure of academia. Then, a few years out of college, I was struggling to break into journalism. I was pitching story ideas to editors at national magazines and getting nothing but rejection. I decided to try sending out a story under the first name J.D. instead of Jessica. Within hours, the same piece was accepted. Every woman has the experience of being devalued, discredited, of having assumptions made without the other person knowing who you are. That is really what bias is. Gender bias cracked open the door for me. From there, I started exploring racial bias, among others.
Q: You began writing your book in 2016 and completed it in 2020. Did this deep dive into the topic of bias shift your thinking about last summer's potent demand for racial justice?
A: Last summer's events were not surprising to me. What George Floyd's murder revealed was the gap between the consciousness of white people and the consciousness of nonwhite people around the reality of racial injustice. Black people have been suffering at the hands of police for as long as this country has had a memory. What was shocking to me was white people saying, "I had no idea."
Q: Most of us are certain we don't have biases. Why are we so wrong about that?
A: We all like to believe we're a little less biased than everyone else. I did. I had to come up against my own biases, including my own snap judgments about other women and their levels of competence. I also was rightly criticized for paternalism on the basis of race in an early article I wrote, by people I respected. As I spent six years with this research, I had this question: Can we trace this blood stream infection back to the original abscess? In the case of anti-Black racism, you can see that it came out of the transatlantic slave trade. In the case of gender, in some regions, you have to go back to archaeological evidence and look at burial patterns to start to see where men and women are treated equally. How old the patriarchy is made me start to see how much it infuses everything.