The Minneapolis City Council briefly considered diverting money from police to citizen patrols, with the council's public safety chairwoman suggesting an armed group as one that could potentially benefit.
During a budget meeting last week, Council Member Alondra Cano proposed cutting $500,000 from the Minneapolis Police Department for the citizen groups.
She described it as an effort to "respond to the hundreds of people who have formed their own community safety patrol systems to keep their blocks and their neighborhoods safe in this time of deep transition."
She and nine of her colleagues voted in favor of adding the provision to the 2020 budget. On Wednesday, after residents and reporters contacted city officials seeking details about the proposal, the council walked it back.
The change reveals how the City Council is struggling to come up with alternatives to the Minneapolis Police Department, even as a majority has vowed to end it. Council members and city staffers have, at times, found themselves unclear about what various proposals mean, even after they have voted on them.
"We need transparency from the council now more than ever, especially when we're moving really quickly like this," said Council Member Linea Palmisano, chairwoman of the budget committee, who isn't one of the council members who want to end the police. "Vague cuts that get hammered out behind closed doors instead of in the open where people can hold you accountable is dangerous. If my colleagues want to reduce the police force, we should take a vote on that."
While they are tasked with trying to find ways to cut money from their $1.6 billion budget to deal with the coronavirus pandemic, many council members are responding to conflicting demands from the public about overhauling the city's approach to public safety after George Floyd's death.
During a roughly five-hour meeting Wednesday, some residents urged the council to fulfill its promise to end the police. Many of them repeated a call, pushed by activist groups, to cut $45 million from the Police Department's roughly $184 million budget.