Minneapolis tenants dealing with poor housing conditions will get some financial relief starting later this year if they have to move out of their homes.
The Minneapolis City Council passed an ordinance last month that will require landlords whose rental licenses get revoked or whose property gets condemned to either pay out of pocket for their tenants' relocation costs or face a property tax assessment later from the city. Property owners would have to pay three months' worth of rent regardless of whether a tenant is current on rent payments.
Minneapolis Council Member Phillipe Cunningham, the author of the ordinance, said that he felt a sense of "wow, we have a serious safety net gap here" when he went through his first rental license revocation process while on the council's Economic Development & Regulatory Services Committee. He said the new ordinance aims to "minimize harm" for tenants.
"As the council member in north Minneapolis that has a lot of single-family-home rentals, I know a lot of times people end up in this situation because they can't find housing anywhere," Cunningham said. "While we're holding a bad actor accountable, we're also doing harm to some of the most vulnerable in our city."
Since 2012, Minneapolis has revoked licenses that have affected 168 units, most of them belonging to landlords such as Stephen Frenz and Mahmood Khan who were cited for thousands of violations over poor housing conditions, according to city data.
Vanessa Del Campo, a mother of two living in south Minneapolis, is a tenant in one of Frenz's units. She's been living there for four years and has been dealing with a cockroach infestation and freezing temperatures due to old windows that can't keep the cold out. Tenants are hoping to buy Frenz's five buildings and turn them into permanent co-ops. Residents are waiting to hear whether they will be evicted.
"We really want to live in a place with good conditions and also have a better life living here, but unfortunately that affects our lives and kids and families because we're facing an eviction so we don't know when we're going to be out," Del Campo said through an interpreter with Inquilinxs Unidxs por Justicia (United Renters for Justice).
Cunningham said the Khan license revocation was another reason he wrote the ordinance.