After three days of budget revisions and a whopping 74 amendments, the Minneapolis City Council approved a property tax levy increase of 6.8% — the largest since 2010 — to fund the city budget next year.
Council members worked late into the night Tuesday as they scaled back Mayor Jacob Frey’s original proposed levy increase of 8.1%, largely fueled by inflation, plummeting downtown property values, higher city employee salaries, millions in mandated police reforms and the end of federal pandemic funds. In August, Frey proposed a $1.9 billion budget.
The exact impact of the 6.8% levy increase on property tax bills wasn’t available Tuesday night, but a 7% increase would have resulted in an additional $170, or 9.5%, in city taxes for the owner of a median value $331,000 home, according to the city assessor’s office.
“A budget is a reflection of values — the Mayor’s proposed budget valued bloated bureaucracy and high property taxes, the Council stepped in to reflect the values and needs of our residents — decreased property taxes and funded programs that impact their everyday lives,” Council Vice President Aisha Chughtai, who chairs the Budget Committee, said in a statement after midnight.
Frey released a statement late Tuesday saying he would review the “unprecedented” number of council amendments over the next day and make a decision on whether to sign it. He said the council’s budget proposal sets the city up for paying increased property taxes down the road, and cuts homelessness response and police recruitment to fund “pet projects.”
“Financial times are tight and when federal funding is likely to be withheld and state dollars are in short supply, we need to be responsible with our tax dollars,” Frey said.
Of the 39 people who testified at the final budget public hearing Tuesday night, only a handful complained about their taxes going up. One of them was Maren Macosko, a teacher who said her East Lake Street music venue’s property taxes were going up 33% and her home’s taxes were going up nearly 18%.
The levy is the total amount of money raised through property taxes. Changes to individual tax bills, which also include taxes raised by the school district, county and other taxing bodies, will vary.