Jeremiah Ellison was passing out water bottles to protesters near the Minneapolis Police Third Precinct on Tuesday night when a teenage girl emerged from the crowd, bleeding from the head, and stumbled toward him.
Ellison, a Minneapolis City Council member, happened to be holding a towel he'd pulled from his pocket a moment earlier. He helped her sit down and wipe the blood from her face.
"I'm just holding this bloody towel like, 'This is out of control. This is completely out of control,' " Ellison said Wednesday, describing the encounter.
"The police in the city failed us last night," he said.
Ellison was among those condemning the Minneapolis Police Department's response to well over a thousand people who broke state-ordered limitations on public gatherings Tuesday night to protest the killing of George Floyd, an unarmed black man who died shortly after being restrained by officers from the Third Precinct.
Video of the incident shows an officer identified as Derek Chauvin pinning Floyd on the street while Floyd pleads repeatedly that he can't breathe, and as bystanders ask the officers to stop.
Mayor Jacob Frey on midday Wednesday commended the "99 percent" of peaceful protesters and empathized with their desire to protest. But he said Chief Medaria Arradondo deployed the officers to stop protesters after some broke windows at the precinct building and in squad cars, both of which had live ammunition and guns inside.
"He told me that he could not run the risk of one tragedy leading to another," Frey said. "Our chief made the decision and I support our chief. I trust his judgment."