The Minneapolis City Council voted Friday morning to take more than $1 million from the Police Department's expanding budget next year for community-based initiatives to reduce violence.
Under Mayor Jacob Frey's proposed 2019 budget, the city's police were set to receive $184.5 million, a 2.8 percent increase over this year. The extra money will primarily fund a 3.3 percent salary bump, as well as pensions and other "internal costs," the department's finance director, Robin McPherson, said in a presentation this fall.
With Friday's vote, the budget increase was trimmed to 2.2 percent. While the council's action was a relatively modest cut, it reflects growing concern over how much money the city spends on police.
The amendment, which passed by a 9-2 vote, would expand the mental health co-responder pilot program to all five police precincts and provide ongoing funds for the new Office of Violence Prevention. It would also boost funding for Project LIFE, a program designed to cut gun violence in parts of the North Side, and two pilot programs run out of the City Attorney's Office: a diversionary program for defendants with minor weapons charges and the office's Violent Crime Hot Spots — Domestic Violence outreach initiative.
The Nov. 9 police shooting of a knife-wielding man who was apparently suffering a mental health crisis awakened a fierce debate about the police budget and the size of Minneapolis' police force.
Citywide, the proposal to cut police funding was met with approval and relief, but also skepticism and concern.
When the conversation at Nu Looks barbershop turned to the possibility of laying off Minneapolis police officers, Eddie Winters admitted that even after some bad run-ins, his first instinct was still to call police if he sees trouble. But he recognizes that others feel differently.
More blacks his age trust law enforcement. He said the younger generation doesn't feel the same way because they grew up with viral images of police violence against black men and were raised in families hit hard by tough-on-crime policies of the 1990s.