When buying clothes, a shopper first had to decide to head to a store that sells clothing for men or women. That's shifting, with the emergence of gender-neutral clothing.
The look challenges the idea that a garment's style, color and cut is masculine or feminine. Instead, gender-neutral fashion can be worn by a variety of body shapes and sizes and without taking gender into account.
Three years ago, while still a student at the University of Minnesota, Maxine Britt founded Mx Apparel (mxappareldesign.com), a gender-neutral line that debuted with a Fashion Week MN runway show. The line Britt creates in a Minneapolis bedroom-turned-studio apartment is developing a national following and has been selected by a local business accelerator. We talked to Britt about the two sides of fashion, the universal love of pockets and the widening appeal of gender-neutral dressing. The conversation has been edited for length and clarity.
Q: What sparked your interest in fashion?
A: I was home-schooled until high school. That's when getting dressed every morning became a crucial part of my day, an important way to express myself. As an LGBT student at a small suburban school in Arizona, fitting in and my safety were things I had to think about. My outfit became a way to have some control.
Q: What's your formal training?
A: I've had a long love affair with fashion and my mom taught me to sew. I took sewing classes at community college while I was in high school — the basics and then pattern making and costume construction. That gave me a head start when I got to college. I came to the University of Minnesota for the apparel design program. It's a solid, technically based program as opposed to art-focused; I have a bachelor of science.
Q: A Gallup Poll found that 16% of Gen Z adults identify as LGBTQ and research by the Innovation Group found that 56% of GenZ'ers said they shop for clothes outside their assigned gender. Do you see a generational change when it comes to fashion?