Police arrived unexpectedly at a long-standing encampment in the Harrison neighborhood of Minneapolis at about 7 a.m. Thursday, taped off the surrounding streets for several blocks in every direction, oversaw the eviction of about 30 people and arrested three protesters.
Encampment defenders had been having breakfast at the Near North camp, located at 205 Girard Av. N., when police arrived.
Volunteer Benjamin Melançon said they anticipated the city would enforce no-trespassing orders posted at the encampment earlier this year but did not know when because the notices did not specify exact dates. He said police gave those present five minutes to leave or face arrest.
"There was no warning, zero warning," said Melançon, who questioned whether individuals sleeping on the far side of the camp from police heard their instructions.
The Near North camp sits on a vacant parcel of city land. It has seen several waves of campers over about two years. Hennepin County workers set up a temporary service station there last summer that successfully connected many residents to housing until only a handful remained. That intensive outreach was eventually discontinued, and the camp's population grew again.
Over the years, residents collected materials to build semi-permanent structures, gardened and raised chickens. The chickens were captured by Minneapolis Animal Care and Control.
An attempt to clear the camp in March 2021 resulted in a violent clash with five protesters arrested and five police officers suffering minor injuries.
"The site has long posed public safety and public health challenges and been used as a storage area for stolen goods," said city spokesperson Sarah McKenzie, referring to a stolen van that was found at the encampment last month.