The city of Minneapolis is embarking on an urgent task: hiring nearly 200 police officers more than a year and a half after George Floyd's killing placed the city at the epicenter of a national movement to change the profession.
With less than six months to fulfill a court order to hire some 190 officers — or explain why the city can't — interim Police Chief Amelia Huffman said the department is stepping up its recruitment.
"We're not going to sugarcoat this," said Mayor Jacob Frey, who hinged his re-election campaign in part on a promise to rebuild police ranks. "This is a heavy lift."
The accelerated hiring spree is unfolding amid a surge in homicides and other violent crime and as Minneapolis is still grappling with how to transform policing and public safety after Floyd's murder.
For some city residents, the arrival of more officers to the depleted force can't come soon enough.
Audua Pugh, one of five North Side residents who sued the city over hiring more officers, said she's not sure she can endure another season of shootings and other violence.
"We have to have police. We have to have the citizens because we cannot continue to live in this state of fight and flight all the time," Pugh said. "We can't keep doing this as a people."
But for others, it may be too much. A new study, expected to be presented to the City Council in February after months of delay, could reinvigorate those debates by showing how officers routinely respond to calls that don't require an armed police response under state law.