Minneapolis voters will decide the fate of one rent control proposal at the ballot box this fall, but in a rare move Mayor Jacob Frey vetoed a second one, setting up a potential showdown with the City Council.
Frey vetoed one resident-led ordinance proposal that aimed to cap rent increases in the city but let stand a separate one that asks voters to give the City Council the power to control rents or draw up a more detailed question to ask voters again in a later election.
The 13-member council, which meets next week, would need nine votes to override Frey's veto.
In an interview Friday, Frey said he has long opposed legislation by referendum and that the resident-led initiative would outsource the city leaders' core responsibilities to an interest group.
"We want a process that is open to everyone and that is accountable to everyone, not just one interest group," Frey said. "We want a policy that is backed by the expert residents that we have in City Hall that is supported by the data. And we want a process where we can engage a broad set of stakeholders throughout the city, not just one interest group."
Frey's veto came hours after the council on Friday gave its final approval to both hotly contested measures.
The council voted 9-3 on a charter amendment, the one Frey vetoed, that would give citizens the right to petition the council to create rent stabilization policies. Council Members Kevin Reich, Lisa Goodman and Linea Palmisano dissented. Council Member Andrew Johnson was absent due to a family emergency. Palmisano cast the lone opposing vote on the second one that would give the council the power to adopt a rent control policy by an ordinance.
The two rent control proposals crafted by Council President Lisa Bender and Council Members Cam Gordon and Jeremiah Ellison are meant to help protect vulnerable renters, particularly people of color, from housing costs that they say have risen faster than income. Council Member Jamal Osman was added as one of the co-authors of the initiatives Friday at his request.