Minneapolis lawyer Teresa McClain can't say exactly how many clients she has represented in medical malpractice lawsuits over the years.
"But you know what, I remember every single one of them," she said. "They stay with me."
McClain represents plaintiffs who claim an injury caused by a medical professional's mistakes. About half of her cases involve newborns injured during deliveries gone wrong.
That specialty seems a natural choice for McClain. Before she was a lawyer, she spent 10 years as a nurse, working in labor and delivery — her "first love," she calls it.
"It was intellectually challenging because things happen fast there; there are a lot of complexities to making sure babies are doing well before and during labor and delivery," she said.
After acquiring a law degree, McClain said, she wanted to help "people who, through no fault of their own, had gone to get medical care and wound up with a very significant, permanent injury."
McClain's background as a labor and delivery nurse gives her a professional perspective on where mistakes might have occurred and whether a lawsuit is warranted, said Kathryn Messerich, a Dakota County District Court judge who retired in 2021.
"I think Teresa has a tremendously challenging job sorting out causal negligence that would support a medical malpractice lawsuit," she said. Before moving to the bench, Messerich was a trial lawyer in medical malpractice suits, like McClain, and also like McClain, started her career as a nurse before obtaining a law degree.