Frustration with the Southwest light-rail's construction delays and soaring costs boiled over last week when the Minneapolis Park Board denied the Metropolitan Council a permit to close the Cedar Lake Parkway until the end of the year.
The Metropolitan Council has a permit to close the parkway for 180 days, starting in February, as construction of a tunnel continues beneath the parkway near the Kenilworth Corridor. On Wednesday night, Southwest light-rail project director Jim Alexander asked the Park Board to extend that permit as work drags on.
Construction of the Southwest light-rail — the largest public works project in state history — launched in 2018, with work on the tunnel beginning a year later. Ultimately, the half-mile-long tunnel will accommodate light rail trains, with freight rail and a bike and pedestrian path on top of it.
The Met Council says the complexity of the tunnel project is one of two main reasons for the project's delays, along with a crash wall to separate freight and light-rail trains west of Target Field.
The council said in January of last year that because of the two issues, the project won't begin passenger service in 2023 as planned, and the budget will likely exceed the $2 billion mark. In the year since then, the council has not said how much the line will cost or when it will open.
The tunnel extends 20 feet below the water table. The cramped worksite is just 50 feet wide and constantly flooding.
At the same time, work continues on a special wall in the corridor to buffer the Calhoun Isles condominiums, parts of which lie within 6 inches of the tunnel. And Twin Cities & Western Railroad trains rumble through the corridor several times a week amid the construction morass.
Construction challenges aside, the project itself has long had a tortuous history with its Kenwood neighbors — prompting a lawsuit in 2014 that claimed Southwest's route violated federal environmental laws. The suit was ultimately thrown out, but bitter feelings toward the project and the council linger.