The labor union representing more than 200 Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board employees voted to authorize a strike this week.
Minneapolis park employees vote overwhelmingly to authorize a strike
The labor union represents 200+ Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board employees.
LIUNA Local 363 employees cast ballots with 94% in favor, the union said in a Facebook post.
Employees have for years called for improvements to wages, health care and safety precautions, AJ Lange, Business Manager of LIUNA Local 363 said in a statement.
“Despite our endless hard work, skill, and dedication that makes Minneapolis’ parks the best in the nation, management continues to treat us with contempt,” Lange said.
The Park Board is aware of the social post but has not received an official notification, spokeswoman Robin Smothers said in a statement.
Negotiations for a multiyear contract for parks employees that is “competitive, fair and equitable,” have included multiple mediations and offers, she said. Negotiations began in December.
“We are hopeful that MPRB and Local 363 leadership can reach an agreement,” Smothers said.
The Park Board and employees are set to return to contract mediation on Thursday.
The returns were filed on behalf of themselves and others, according to federal prosecutors.