Commuters dashing downtown to work last month used city-owned parking ramps at the highest rate since the pandemic began, according to new data released by the city of Minneapolis.
Municipal ramps were 35.4% full in October, marking the greatest use since downtown traffic nosedived with the arrival of COVID-19 in March 2020. If parking usage is an indicator of downtown vibrancy, Minneapolis has been on a steady climb back to its pre-pandemic self.
From February to April 2020, usage plunged from 77% to a measly 8% at the 15 ramps and eight surface lots owned by the city. But now fees collected for the city and three state-owned parking sites have crept back, bringing in $21.7 million so far this year. That's about 44% of the income produced in 2019 and 19% more than last year.
As more corporations recall workers to downtown offices or solidify hybrid work arrangements, parking ramp use is expected to keep rising.
"We would project numbers to continue to grow [...] into 2023," said Minneapolis Parking System Manager Tim Drew.
The parking ramp data dovetails with the rise in regional bus and train use reported by the Metropolitan Council for the first half of 2022. This summer, express bus ridership in the Twin Cities jumped 70% from the previous year, while Green Line and Blue Line light-rail ridership rose 25%.
At the same time, some highways are becoming congested at various times of day, suggesting business employees are back and jostling to get to or from work.
"Overall, transit is showing steady growth, up by 15% over the past year," said Metropolitan Council spokesman John Schadl. "September saw 3.8 million total trips, with an average of 141,000 weekday trips. This is the highest level since the beginning of the pandemic."