One menu item stands out on a white board with black press-on letters next to the counter at All Square, a grilled cheese shop in Minneapolis' Longfellow neighborhood (4047 Minnehaha Av. S., 612-787-7164). And it's not because one of the letters dangles askew. It's the name.
Did My Thyme, with feta, hummus and thyme butter, is a sandwich and a clue informing customers that this restaurant, staffed by the formerly incarcerated, is griddling up sandwiches that are oozing with cheese and policy, seasoned with a dash of irreverence.
Chris Dolan, a 35-year-old cook, came up with the recipe. Dolan spent time in prison and is now a fellow with All Square Institute and Dream Lab, a nonprofit criminal justice reform and re-entry program that offers people returning from prison a 12-month fellowship. Along with personal and professional development — including courses in law and entrepreneurship, community building and mental health — fellows land a job making gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches at this fast-casual restaurant with a purpose.
Using his new skills in entrepreneurship, Dolan just launched an online wedding boutique. He is also applying to law school, thanks to a strong LSAT score and guidance he has received through the institute. He plans to focus on criminal law. "I have a client base built in with all of the people I know," he quipped.
But for now, he's dreaming up and making "fancy sandwiches" for customers who may or may not know that the staffers who are serving them have also served time.
"We're really trying to take a radical approach to re-entry," said Emily Hunt Turner, 35, All Square's founder and CEO.
A civil rights attorney and hockey coach, Turner worked for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, where she tackled issues of fair housing and segregation. Again and again, she reviewed tenant selection policies in public and private housing that denied tenancy to people with a criminal record, regardless of the record's age, relevance or accuracy.
After five years with HUD, she left and spent the next two years working with formerly incarcerated mentors to develop a business, and a brand, that could invest in people affected by the justice system while challenging barricades to re-entry, such as difficulty securing employment and loss of voting rights.