The members of the Minneapolis school board heard an alarming warning from finance staff again in November: the city’s public school district is sliding toward a precipitous fiscal cliff.
Enrollment is still down. Schools in some city neighborhoods have entire floors sitting empty. Stubborn achievement gaps persist. Big budget cuts are looming.
It’s the same warning board members have been receiving for several years.
“It feels like we haven’t moved at all,” Board Member Ira Jourdain said. “We got ourselves stuck in a holding pattern and it’s really frustrating.”
A reckoning may be at hand for both the board and Lisa Sayles-Adams, the new superintendent who started work last week. The nearly $265 million in one-time pandemic relief that allowed the district to put off some tough decisions is drying up, and additional relief from the state seems unlikely. Hard decisions, including potential school closures, are looming.
The cuts needed to address a projected $90 million budget gap threaten to continue a cycle of turbulence across Minneapolis schools. First came the sweeping and unpopular district redesign, followed by the upheaval of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Two years later, the city’s teachers walked out on strike. A school board member quit, citing broken trust. Then the superintendent left. In fall 2022, district leaders amplified their alarm about an impending financial crisis — just weeks after voters elected five new school board members.
“If I had to grade ourselves for the last year, I’d give us a passing grade,” said Board Member Collin Beachy, the new board chair. “But it wouldn’t be a grade that any parent would be too happy about.”
Tests for urban school boards
Urban school districts across the country have grappled for years with many of the same problems Minneapolis is facing. Plummeting enrollment adds to mounting fiscal pressures that have challenged boards from San Antonio to Denver to Los Angeles. Most schools get at least some of their funding based on their student numbers.