Teachers unions in Minneapolis and St. Paul are pushing back on their districts' February reopening plans, asking them to delay the return to classrooms over safety concerns during the pandemic.
Gov. Tim Walz announced in mid-December that elementary schools could reopen as soon as Jan. 18, with precautions, and many districts are set to bring young students back next week. But Minneapolis and St. Paul, which have both been in distance learning since the COVID-19 pandemic hit last spring, are aiming for February starts.
Minneapolis announced its plan last week, and union leaders in that district say they've been excluded from key decisionmaking discussions. They are seeking an agreement to establish class-size caps, weekly COVID-19 testing for staff and social distancing protocols before the district's youngest students return to in-person classes.
Under the district plan, which was presented to the school board Tuesday night, preschoolers and kindergartners could return to school buildings on Feb. 8 and first- and second-graders on Feb. 10, followed by students in grades three through five on Feb. 22. The board will vote on the recommended plan next Tuesday.
Minneapolis families must complete an online registration form by Jan. 22 for each of those students, indicating whether they want their child to start in-person learning or continue with distance learning. If parents don't complete the form, their student will be enrolled in in-person learning.
"We've been crystal clear since the pandemic hit that [Minneapolis Public Schools] is not safely ready to return to in-person learning," said Greta Callahan, president of the Minneapolis teachers union. "Now is the time for MPS to go above and beyond the most basic safety measures required by the state." Superintendent Ed Graff on Tuesday echoed what he wrote to staff last week announcing the plan, saying, "We did not come to this decision lightly and it is not set in stone."
Graff said Tuesday that the district has been working with the union and is committed to collaborating with union leaders. He noted the district has so far erred on the side of health and safety as it balances that with the "educational experience" for students. Families should be able to make their own decisions about what is best for their child, he said.
"Is [returning to schools] 100% safe? No it's not," Graff said. "But I can tell you with 100% certainty that many of our students are worse off without the option to be back in the classroom with teachers."