Minneapolis voters are sending Mayor Jacob Frey into a second term with more executive power than any leader in the city's history — and allowing him to maintain sole command of the Police Department.
Two proposed charter amendments gave voters a choice about whether the City Council or the mayor should wield more power at City Hall. They sided with the mayor, jettisoning a push from progressives to overhaul policing in part by giving the council oversight of a new public safety department.
They also diminished the council's sway over city operations, consolidating authority over city departments in the mayor's office for the first time since the city was founded.
Frey stressed the importance of that change to city government at his election night party.
"I would say it's one of the most important parts of this entire election because it allows us to get real and serious," Frey said.
"It will allow us to have a delineation between who's in charge, and I think that'll also push back in a lot of the silly disagreements that we've seen over the last year and a half."
The main opposition to Frey could not settle on a single candidate to support. Mayoral challengers Sheila Nezhad and Kate Knuth, who both ran to the left of Frey, supported the policing change and opposed consolidating executive authority under the mayor's office.
They tried to maximize their chances by encouraging supporters to list the two of them first and second and to leave Frey off their ballots.