Minneapolis voters reject plan to replace Police Department

Nearly 18 months after George Floyd was filmed pleading for breath under an officer's knee, community groups remain divided on how to change the system.

Minneapolis voters on Tues­day re­ject­ed a pro­pos­al to re­place the Minneapolis Police Department, crush­ing the hopes of sup­port­ers that out­rage over the kill­ing of George Floyd would lead to a his­tor­ic ex­per­i­ment in trans­form­ing public safe­ty.

The fi­nal votes end­ed a con­ten­tious and close­ly watched e­lec­tion cy­cle cen­tered on how far the city would go to reinvent polic­ing, 18 months af­ter Floyd was filmed plead­ing for breath un­der an of­fi­cer's knee. Since then, a city al­read­y bat­tered by a glo­bal pan­dem­ic was the site of the worst ur­ban riots in three de­cades, a surge in vi­o­lent crime and a wrench­ing tri­al that re­sul­ted in mur­der con­vic­tions for the first of­fi­cer tried in Floyd's death.

In the days lead­ing up to a his­tor­ic e­lec­tion, voters were blan­ket­ed with mes­sages from po­lit­i­cal com­mit­tees that had mil­lions to spend as they at­tempt­ed to sway peo­ple to vote for or against a meas­ure seek­ing to re­place the Minneapolis Police Department with a new a­gen­cy fo­cused on al­ter­na­tive re­sponses to cri­ses.

While sup­port­ers in­sist­ed po­lice would still be part of the de­part­ment, op­po­nents of the chart­er change ham­mered on themes that echoed in voters' rea­sons for say­ing no on ques­tion 2: Who's going to an­swer 911 calls? What's the plan for keep­ing the city safe?

Voters op­posed the a­mend­ment by a 12-point mar­gin, well short of the 51% need­ed to pass. The fail­ure of the bal­lot ques­tion came as one of its most out­spok­en op­po­nents, May­or Ja­cob Frey, held a com­mand­ing lead in his re-e­lec­tion bid. Voters also ap­proved a sepa­rate chart­er a­mend­ment that shift­ed more pow­er from the City Council to the may­or, and were poised to oust sev­er­al coun­cil mem­bers who led the push to re­place the po­lice de­part­ment.

Wynn Wever, who voted at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Longfellow, said the polic­ing ques­tion was the only part of the bal­lot he filled out. He voted no.

"I like the po­lice. We need the po­lice," said Wever, 79, a re­tired roof­er.

At Roo­se­velt High School, Kev­in Nelson said ques­tion 2 was the most im­port­ant is­sue to him. Nelson, a self-em­ployed wood­work­er, said calls to "de­fund the po­lice" sound­ed like a good i­de­a in the vol­a­tile times af­ter Floyd's mur­der.

But as time went by and de­tails were few, he turned against the i­de­a. "You're voting for what­ever they want to do," he said. "It's kind of like giv­ing them a free pass."

Still, there was hard­ly a con­sen­sus.

In the East Phil­lips neigh­bor­hood, res­i­dent Lin­nea Hadaway strong­ly fa­vored ques­tion 2.

"They've been talk­ing about po­lice re­form for 25 years and ab­so­lute­ly noth­ing has changed," Hadaway said. "And that's why I'm will­ing to take the risk."

The pro­pos­al be­fore voters would have amend­ed the city's chart­er, re­mov­ing the re­quire­ment to main­tain a Police Department with a min­i­mum num­ber of of­fic­ers based on pop­u­la­tion. In­stead, it would have cre­at­ed a Department of Public Safety that takes "a com­pre­hen­sive public health ap­proach to safe­ty." De­tails of the new de­part­ment, in­clud­ing po­lice staff­ing lev­els, if any, would have been de­ter­mined by the may­or and City Council mem­bers.

Can­di­dates run­ning in the first mu­nic­i­pal elec­tions since Floyd's death large­ly agreed that Minneapolis should boost men­tal health programs, in­crease so­cial ser­vices and seek to de­ter­mine which non­vi­o­lent calls could be han­dled by ci­vil­ians.

But they dis­agreed on one fun­da­men­tal ques­tion: wheth­er the city should re­place its Police Department with a new a­gen­cy in its ef­forts to take a broad­er ap­proach to public safe­ty.

Sup­port­ers ar­gued the pro­pos­al would have giv­en the city the flex­i­bil­i­ty to cre­ate a new safe­ty sys­tem that can bet­ter re­spond to resi­dents' con­cerns, with­out be­ing con­strained by the po­lice staff­ing lev­els add­ed to the city's chart­er dur­ing an­oth­er con­ten­tious e­lec­tion in the early 1960s.

The i­de­a of hav­ing a blank slate was ap­peal­ing to some voters.

"I think Minneapolis might be a re­al­ly good place to do a tri­al run on this," said Kingfield res­i­dent Ri­ley Curran, ex­plain­ing why he voted "yes" on ques­tion 2. "If any city is going to stick its toe in first and fig­ure it out, I trust Minneapolis to do it."

Op­po­nents ar­gued there wasn't en­ough de­tail to en­sure the new de­part­ment would de­liv­er the change resi­dents des­per­ate­ly need­ed.

"I think we need to do some chan­ges, may­be make some re­forms, but I do not be­lieve in a­bol­ish­ing it with­out hav­ing some­thing in place, and they've had a year to come up with some­thing oth­er than neb­u­lous, 'Oh, we're going to do this or that.' I ha­ven't been swayed," said one vot­er, Lin­da Ramson.

Ramson's re­marks were sim­i­lar to ones de­liv­ered just days be­fore by Police Chief Medaria Arradondo, whose 11th-hour news con­fer­ence in full u­ni­form prompt­ed the coun­cil pres­i­dent to file an eth­ics com­plaint ac­cus­ing him of mis­us­ing city re­sources.

"This is too criti­cal of a time to wish and hope for that help that we need so des­per­ate­ly right now," Arradondo said. "A­gain, I was not ex­pect­ing some sort of ro­bust, de­tailed, word-for-word plan. But at this point, quite frank­ly, I would take a draw­ing on a nap­kin, and I have not seen eith­er."

The failed bal­lot ques­tion, writ­ten by a group called Yes 4 Minneapolis, would have in­creased City Council o­ver­sight of the Police Department. Voters in­stead ap­proved a sepa­rate bal­lot ques­tion that reins in the coun­cil's a­bil­i­ty to give di­rec­tion to city staff and so­lidi­fies pow­er in the may­or's of­fice over most city de­part­ments.

The city's elect­ed lead­ers were deep­ly di­vid­ed on the ques­tion of how to change polic­ing. Near­ly two weeks af­ter Floyd's death, while the mem­ories of nights of un­rest were still fresh in resi­dents' minds, they be­gan ce­ment­ing their stan­ces.

Pro­test­ers shout­ed "shame, shame," at May­or Ja­cob Frey af­ter he told them he did "not sup­port the full ab­o­li­tion of the po­lice de­part­ment" but in­stead fa­vored sys­tem­ic chan­ges. He's been square­ly aligned with Arradondo.

The day af­ter that pro­test, nine City Council mem­bers gath­ered in Pow­der­horn Park and pledged to "be­gin the proc­ess of end­ing the Minneapolis Police Department," el­icit­ing strong sup­port from the ac­tiv­ists who or­gan­ized the e­vent and set­ting off a pan­ic in oth­er com­muni­ty groups who deep­ly op­posed the i­de­a.

Council mem­bers tried to get a sim­i­lar chart­er ques­tion on last year's bal­lot but were blocked by the court-ap­point­ed Minneapolis Charter Commission. Sup­port­ers ac­cused the com­mis­sion­ers of ob­struct­ing the demo­crat­ic proc­ess, while op­po­nents claimed they were doing the due dil­i­gence that coun­cil mem­bers had failed to pro­vide.

Since the pledge, many coun­cil mem­bers have soft­ened their rhet­o­ric, seek­ing to re­as­sure resi­dents that state law makes it dif­fi­cult to re­move po­lice, be­cause it says only of­fic­ers can re­spond to some calls. Many of them sup­port­ed the cam­paign to re­place the Minneapolis Police Department, as well as can­di­dates who back the ef­fort.

Tues­day's e­lec­tion gave resi­dents the chance to de­cide how the city should pro­ceed — but groups or­gan­iz­ing on both sides say it shouldn't end dis­cus­sions about how to over­haul polic­ing.

In­side the Gold Room down­town Tues­day night, a hand­ful of Yes 4 Minneapolis sup­port­ers gath­ered as they wait­ed for the re­sults. Corenia Smith, the group's cam­paign man­ag­er, said their work was not in vain. "We changed the con­ver­sa­tion," Smith said.

A rep­re­sen­ta­tive of All of Mpls, a po­lit­i­cal com­mit­tee that op­posed the pro­pos­al, said mean­ing­ful work must be­gin now.

"What the voters of Minneapolis have made clear is that we want a planful ap­proach to trans­form­ing public safe­ty in our city," said Leili Fatehi, the group's cam­paign man­ag­er.

"It's re­al­ly time for all the resi­dents of Minneapolis to unite to­gether to hold the next may­or and City Council ac­count­a­ble, to roll up their sleeves and to car­ry out that public man­date in good faith."

Staff re­port­ers Patrick Con­don, John Reinan, James Walsh, David Joles, Matt Gillmer, Mark Vancleave, and Anthony Soufflé con­tri­buted to this re­port.



about the writers

about the writers

Liz Navratil


Liz Navratil covers communities in the western Twin Cities metro area. She previously covered Minneapolis City Hall as leaders responded to the coronavirus pandemic and George Floyd’s murder.

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Briana Bierschbach


Briana Bierschbach is a politics and government reporter for the Star Tribune.

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Ryan Faircloth

Politics and government reporter

Ryan Faircloth covers Minnesota politics and government for the Star Tribune.

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