After Curtis Sittenfeld wrote "American Wife" — her fictionalized portrait of a woman who strongly resembled Laura Bush — editors started asking her to write essays about women in politics. Specifically, Hillary Clinton.
She turned them all down. "I didn't think I had anything new to say," Sittenfeld said in a recent interview via Zoom. "I thought to write a piece about what Hillary means, or about Hillary and feminism — it didn't feel like there's anything I could say that hadn't already been said repeatedly."
But then along came an editor at Esquire magazine. He didn't ask for an essay — he asked for a short story. A piece of fiction, told from Hillary's point of view. Now that was intriguing.
"It's such a different way of approaching her," Sittenfeld said. "Not asking what the American people think of her, but what does she think of the American people. That turned out to be a super-interesting question to explore."
The story, "The Nominee," was published in Esquire in May 2016 and also opens the U.K. edition of Sittenfeld's 2018 collection "You Think It, I'll Say It."
After she finished it, Sittenfeld realized she had more to say. "I thought to myself, and I told my editor, I think I'm going to write a really short, like a 120-page novel," she said. Four hundred pages later, she was done.
Published by Random House, her new novel, "Rodham," has garnered glowing advance reviews and will go on sale Tuesday. It explores the provocative question: What would Hillary Clinton's life have been like had she not married Bill?
Conducting an interview via Zoom is awkward and sterile at best; even more so when the interviewee sits on a plain couch in front of a bare white wall. But it gives the interviewer more opportunity to study Sittenfeld — her strong, intelligent face, those dark, deeply attentive eyes, that sudden, brilliant smile.