Minnesota saw a similar hiring surge as the rest of the U.S. last month, with the state adding 14,500 jobs in July, its largest monthly gain since March.
The state's unemployment rate fell one-tenth of a percent to 3.9%, according to data released Thursday by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED). The U.S. unemployment rate declined by a half a percent to 5.4% in July.
The largest job gains were in leisure and hospitality, which added 7,700 jobs last month. That is also the industry hardest hit by the pandemic in terms of job loss.
DEED Commissioner Steve Grove noted that Minnesota usually sees a jump in hiring among restaurants and hotels in the summer.
"But usually around this time of year you'd see maybe a 1,000 bump," he said. "So seeing 7,700 is a significant jump."
At the same time, he acknowledged that some of those businesses are still struggling to find workers.
"You've all seen the signs of businesses that have had to close on off days and things like that just because of the labor shortage," he said. "So this is by no means over, but certainly a good surge there in jobs pickup for that industry in particular."
Employment at Minnesota restaurants and hotels is now about 70% of pre-pandemic level.