A coalition of arts leaders forged during the pandemic is now working together to speed up its organizations' recovery.
The group is launching a big marketing campaign — titled "Come to Wonder" — designed to lure people back to theaters, museums and other shared spaces.
"The main purpose of the campaign is, first and foremost, to tell the people that we are open for them," said Abdo Sayegh Rodriguez, executive director of TU Dance, "that they're welcome, that they should feel motivated to come and be themselves in our individual spaces."
Most arts and culture organizations are still experiencing lower attendance and enrollment, said Sayegh Rodriguez, who co-leads the steering committee for the Minnesota Arts and Culture Coalition, the group behind the campaign. TU Dance's most recent performances attracted a third of the people who'd normally attend. Student enrollment, too, stands at just 50%, he said.
At the same time, participating in the arts could help young people struggling with mental health and other issues, Sayegh Rodriguez said. "Our success as an organization is the success of the people."
Back in 2020, a few dozen leaders from various arts nonprofits began meeting weekly via Zoom to reckon with a pandemic that closed their doors and rocked their bottom lines. That alliance has now swelled to more than 100, including nonprofits big and small and in every corner of the state.
The group plans to spend $400,000 on the statewide campaign, which includes a searchable directory of arts events. Funders include the McKnight Foundation and Ameriprise Financial. Ads will begin appearing later this month, said Tom Jollie, senior vice president of the public relations agency Padilla.
"We want everyone in Minnesota and everyone traveling here to know that this is a tool to help them plan," said Christina Woods, executive director of the Duluth Art Institute.