He was larger than life, a man of letters, a man of the prairie, a man of the world. Poet and essayist Bill Holm collapsed Tuesday after getting off a plane in Sioux Falls, S.D., and died Wednesday night of complications from pneumonia. He was 65.
Six-and-a-half-feet tall and bearded, with a passion for justice, and a booming, generous personality, Holm was the author of "Coming Home Crazy," "Boxelder Bug Variations," and, perhaps his most beloved book, "The Heart Can Be Filled Anywhere On Earth," his homage to his hometown of Minneota, in western Minnesota near Marshall.
"Though far removed from colleges, libraries, and bookstores, Minneota was a luckier birthplace than it might seem for a passionate lover of books," Holm wrote. "The Icelanders who settled in Minneota kept their Old Country habits of bookishness and contrariness in argument."
And that might describe Holm himself, who was Icelandic to the core, as well as bookish and contrary. A curmudgeon, said many, but one with an enormous, kind heart, just as likely to read someone else's poetry at a reading as he was his own.
He was "the sage of Minneota," said Garrison Keillor.
"The polar bear of American literature," said Duluth poet Barton Sutter.
"A missionary for the life of the mind," said his grad school friend John Calvin Rezmerski.
On a Fulbright to Iceland