There were too many cousins that Christmas. Everyone said so. There were too many cousins in the kitchen, and too many cousins in the study, and too many cousins snarled on the porch, wrestling on the coats. We clustered into the guest room, and coiled in the linen closet, and tangled in the study. We balanced on the sink in the bathroom, testing out the smells of the shaving cream and the strange soaps and the talcum powder. We crawled underfoot and under chairs and threaded our way around the Christmas tree. We shrieked in our hiding places and howled in the hallways and tumbled through the living room. We looped and twisted and pulled. We were an inextricable, teeming knot. An entanglement of cousins.
My grandmother, with her endless plates of meatballs and relish trays and pickled herring in fluted bowls, was at her wits' end.
"Get out of my kitchen," she said to anyone who would listen, but no one did. She lamented our clumsy hands and our sticky fingers now marking up the walls. She chased after us with a wet rag, wiping and grumbling as she went.
"One day you'll know how hard this is," she told us. We stared at her in amazement. How on Earth could Christmas be hard? We wondered. We couldn't even fathom it. Christmas simply was. The tree, the crowded relatives, the bright windows surrounded by rigid ice and forgiving snow were as constant to us as the air and sky and Earth's firmament. There would always be Christmas. We were sure of it. There would always be us. There would always be this house and these people and every familiar thing. Hard? Christmas? We shook our heads. The idea was beyond comprehension.
Grandma huffed and scolded and smacked our hands away from the dishes. The aunts tutted while the uncles guffawed and egged us on. My grandfather, in his Christmas pants and Christmas socks and bright red cardigan, sat in his favorite chair by the window, his laugh like the staccato heave of a walrus. Truth be told, he was all we really cared about, in terms of adult opinion. He wasn't really a grown-up, after all. He was one of us. Secretly. Every year he got smaller and we got bigger. Soon we would be all the same. And if Grandpa was happy, well, then so were we.
It was too warm in my grandparents' house and we were all overdressed. Thick tights and dress pants and jumpers made from material that would not breathe. The adults had it worse. Wool blazers and wool slacks and tightfitting shoes that pinched just to look at them. They undid buttons and turned their napkins into fans. Their faces were red and shining. The children, also too hot, tugged at collars and waistbands and complained. Some of us opted to change into what we'd be wearing later for the Christmas pageant costumes — nightgowns and bathrobes, mostly — just to be in something breezy. Tights and wool socks littered the floor. A couple of the smaller cousins could be found in their underpants. Later there would be performances and readings. Moments of quiet and prayers and singing. But for now, the adults were so loud that their conversations felt like tinfoil scrinching in our ears, punctuated every once in a while by one of them bellowing at the cousins to pipe down already. And so we retreated into the basement.
It was hard to tell exactly how many we were, we cousins. We felt infinite. And perhaps we were. We felt as though we bent both time and space, as if our moments each Christmas intersected with every other moment, at every other Christmas, as though we were seeing ourselves surrounded by mirrors, repeating on all sides as far as the eye could see. We were all 5, and 10, and 15, and every other age that we could possibly be. We had always been this age. We were always every age. We would always be together at Christmas. It would always be the same Christmas. Now and forever. There was no other truth than this.
We crowded around the card tables that my uncles had set up in the basement, and that my grandmother had painstakingly decorated, and gorged ourselves on ham and scalloped potatoes, on green bean casserole and ambrosia salad. We told the same jokes as every other year, and planned the same elaborate pranks as always — pranks that we would never actually complete.